Pilates for Runners
Our Pilates For Runners classes are online every Monday at 7.30pm, expertly guided by physiotherapist and qualified pilates instructor Frankie Snare. As the name suggests, the classes are tailored specifically to runners, helping you strengthen core areas to improve your flexibility, aid recovery and reduce the risk of injury.
Classes last an hour and you need to join promptly at 7.30pm. No previous experience is necessary and Frankie adapts the exercises to suit different abilities and to keep us challenged! You’ll need a foam mat and enough space to stretch out. A resistance band, foam roller and pilates ball will help you get the most out of the classes, though you can improvise.
You’ll receive a video recording within a day of the session, so if you can’t make the live class you can catch up in your own time and repeat it as often as you like. Recordings are available for around three months. Feel free to keep your video switched off during the live sessions (participantsdo not appear in the recorded sessions). When live recordings aren’t available, e.g. due to holiday or illness, you can do a recording instead.
Payment is per connection – your partners, pets and children are very welcome to join in, but please do NOT share the live link or recordings.
The sessions are open to all paid-up members of ERR (competing club runners and social/second claim members). Non-members are also welcome (the fee is slightly higher) but should first message our mailbox at eynsham.err@gmail.com. To take advantage of the reduced club price for pilates, they can join ERR as a non-competing member (How To Pay Your Membership).
Admin and payment
Important – before you do any of the classes, you need to submit this form to Frankie.
To simplify the admin, we charge in blocks per calendar month, and the fee is the same irrespective of whether there are 4 or 5 sessions that month.
Payment should be made via your online bank account by 5pm on the Friday before the first block (see below for ERR bank details). If don’t pay on time, you won’t be able to join the first session.
Your Zoom name needs to match the name on your payment so who we know you are!
You’ll receive a Zoom link before the first lesson of the calendar month. This stays the same for the block, so please save this and use it to join all the live sessions that month.
We strongly encourage regulars to set up a standing order, with payment on the last Friday of the month. This greatly reduces admin time, and you’ll avoid the disappointment of missing the class due to late payment!
Please pay into the ERR EVENTS account at Lloyds Bank:
30-19-83 00070886 – quote “PIL/name”
Members: calendar monthly fee is £13
Non-members: calendar monthly fee = £15 for the month