
Combe 2 Motavation Results

It must be the holiday season, but there was still a pretty healthy 34 ERR runners out of the 279 finishers overall. Possibly a good night to play your joker, but not being there means I don't know about any, so please let me know if you took the opportunity.
Position Forename Surname Time Also SL Pts
19 Mark Baker 24.47 50
34 Benedict Pollard 25.57
35 Dafydd Warburton 26.08
53 Peter Green 27.27
70 Arthur McEwan-James 28.02
89 Tristan Hale 29.06
90 Nick Hardwick 29.08 49
99 Jonathan Hancox 29.28
111 Justin Byworth 30.00
112 Mark Creasey 30.01
120 Tom Baker 30.26 48
149 Alastair Graham 31.47 47
158 Tony Whitlock 32.13
165 Jacqueline Pinnock 33.10 2nd LV55
177 Howard Humphris 34.05 46
189 Martin Johnson 34.35 45
196 Derek Breaker 34.56
208 Hugh Morris 36.13 44
217 Alison Craggs 36.59 50
223 Keith Baker 37.28
226 Charmian Maskell 37.42  Joker 2x49
229 Jane Whitlock 37.53 48
237 Ben Jones 38.41 43
242 Ian Keeley 39.36 42
246 Adrian Pinnock 40.00
248 Lisa Tyler 40.43
253 Marisa Keeley 41.32 47
257 Kiri Weller 42.07
261 Louise Keeley 43.19 46
264 Victoria Rose 43.52
265 Gail Morris 44.19 45
267 Samantha Harrison 45.13
268 Esther Muir 45.13
275 Roger Gascoigne 50.10 41
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Waddesdon 5k Results

Some excellent performances at a Waddesdon Manor that lived up to its usual characteristics of scenic, hilly and warm. It was something of a joker-fest among the ladies (and Ian), but let me know if I missed yours.
Position Name Time Also CC Pts SL Pts
19 Graham Bridges 18:59 1st MV50 50
29 Hannah Hale 19:29 2nd SL 50
41 Ben Breaker 20:13 49
46 Arthur McEwan-James 20:19 48
66 Mark Creasey 21:32 47
79 Tristan Hale 21:56 46
82 Justin Byworth 21:59 45
89 Tony Whitlock 22:30 44
102 Alastair Graham 22:57 50
118 Tess Evans 23:42 49
124 Jacky Pinnock 24:08 1st FV55 48
134 Tara Lawfull 24:30 Joker 2x50
192 Paul Creasey 27:16 43
197 Alison Craggs 27:37 Joker 2x49
201 Jane Whitlock 28:00 Joker 2x48
220 Adrian Pinnock 28:41
224 Ian Keeley 29:21 Joker 2x49
237 Andy Creasey 30:14
238 Marisa Keeley 30:40 Joker 2x48
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Combe Motavation Results

Great to see so many ERR folk (45) among the 313 finishers overall, and well done to our 3 lady category winners - Hannah, Jacky and Kate. If anyone played their joker, or can see any errors in the results below, please let me know.  
Position Name Time Also CC Pts SL Pts
11 Mark Baker 21.57 50
36 Benedict Pollard 23.40 50
40 Graham Bridges 23.51 3rd MV50 49
45 Matt Ray 24.10
48 Hannah Hale 24.13 1st SL 50
65 Arthur McEwan-James 25.04 48
66 Peter Green 25.06
84 Daniel Ray 25.42
91 Ben Breaker 25.58 47
108 Tristan Hale 26.53 46
127 Shayne Humphrey 27.40
129 Tony Whitlock 27.41 45
140 Mark Creasey 28.02 44
145 Antony Green 28.11
158 Alastair Graham 28.54 49
161 Jacqueline Pinnock 29.02 1st LV55 49
163 Jonathan Ray 29.05
167 Kate Williamson 29.17 1st LV65 48
181 Colin Hancox 29.36 43
193 Jane Garton 30.20 50
197 Tara Lawfull 30.38 49
199 Martin Johnson 30.41 48
216 Rebecca Evins 31.40
251 Rachel Green 33.40
252 Jess Brown 33.40
253 Jonathan Moore 33.44
254 Paul Creasey 33.49 3rd MV70 42
257 Nicola Coppuck 34.05 48
266 David Early 34.43
267 Charmian Maskell 34.46 47
269 Jane Whitlock 35.05 46
274 Alison Berrett 36.02
275 Ian Keeley 36.04 47
277 Adrian Pinnock 36.25
280 Lisa Tyler 37.03
286 Julia Pool 38.11
288 Marisa Keeley 38.26 45
291 Kiri Weller 39.00
292 Victoria Rose 39.53
295 Claire Mallindine 40.11
297 Gail Morris 40.18 44
301 Samantha Harrison 41.18
306 Esther Muir 42.46
307 Roger Gascoigne 44.48 46
312 Sandra Jinks 49.20 43
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2016 Duathlon Results

Thanks to the small but perfectly formed group of competitors who showed up for this event, either to take part or marshal, and particular congratulations to Shayne for retaining his title, and to Jane for beginning what could be a long period of domination. Here is the breakdown of the results, mainly to fuel the Ian/Tony cycle rivalry...
Name Run 1 Cycle Run 2 Overall
Shayne Humphrey 6:11 16:01 6:58 29:10
Andy Bain 6:39 17:18 7:13 31:04
Dafydd Warburton 5:40 20:02 6:14 31:56
Tony Whitlock 6:42 18:53 7:31 33:06
Alexander Bishop 7:22 20:21 8:04 35:47
John Bishop 7:22 20:21 8:05 35:48
Derek Breaker 7:46 20:43 7:49 36:18
Ian Keeley 8:50 18:35 9:40 37:05
Jane Bishop 9:43 26:17 9:54 45:54
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2016 Handicap Race Results

Thanks to everyone who helped out in any way, as well as all 48 adults who ran, and Fraser and Jess our junior winners. Well done to all the category winners (shown in italics), and of course to Tristan, a deserved and decisive overall winner. If you have no plus or minus figure, that means you had no handicap time, which in turn means I had no previous times to go on. Think of it as setting a time for next year.  
Name Age Group Time Minus Plus
Chris Williams SM 23:47.0 00:20.0
Ben Breaker SM 24:13.0 00:38.0
Mark Schofield MV40 25:08.0 00:43.0
Ben Pollard MV40 25:19.0 02:50.0
Liz McAllister SL 25:26.0 01:04.0
Dave Summers SM 25:30.0
Tristan Hale SM 25:38.0 04:11.0
Nick Hardwick MV40 26:30.0 00:26.0
Carly Pettett SL 26:42.0 00:07.0
Jonathan Hancox SM 27:07.0
Arthur McEwan-James SM 27:14.0 03:15.0
Tony Whitlock MV60 28:06.0 00:21.0
Andrew Bain SM 28:14.0 01:36.0
Jonathan Ray MV50 28:19.0 00:01.0
Alastair Graham MV40 28:56.0 01:51.0
Colin Hancox MV50 29:11.0 01:34.0
Shayne Humphrey SM 29:35.0 03:59.0
Tess Evans LV35 30:07.0 00:35.0
Jonathan Marks MV50 30:22.0 04:25.0
Alex Bishop SM 30:22.0
Kate Williamson LV65 30:33.0 01:53.0
Jacky Pinnock LV55 31:07.0 01:58.0
John Bishop MV40 31:08.0 02:45.0
Jane Garton LV35 31:14.0 01:02.0
Howard Humphris MV50 31:52.0 03:35.0
Mark Creasey MV60 33:07.0 07:11.0
Caroline Ogden LV45 33:25.0 00:24.0
John Wilcox MV60 33:27.0 01:06.0
Rachael Green LV35 33:31.0 00:06.0
Paul Creasey MV70 33:36.0 01:36.0
Dan Creasey MV40 33:37.0
Richard Nash MV40 33:40.0
David Early MV60 33:50.0 01:51.0
Rain Newton-Smith LV35 34:41.0 01:51.0
Kate Welsby LV35 34:56.0 00:22.0
Nicola Coppuck LV35 35:30.0 02:30.0
Sallie Burrough LV35 36:27.0 05:47.0
Andy Greenwood MV50 36:45.0 03:10.0
Marina Barlow SL 38:10.0 01:41.0
Elaine Butler LV45 38:16.0 05:06.0
Julia Pool LV35 38:20.0 04:03.0
Kiri Weller LV35 38:21.0 00:25.0
Diane Hubbert LV45 39:48.0 01:33.0
Sam Harrison LV45 39:57.0 04:29.0
Liz Micklewright LV45 40:21.0 06:18.0
Steve Butler MV50 40:45.0 13:36.0
Jennie McGibbon LV35 41:26.0 04:22.0
Esther Muir LV65 44:25.0 07:47.0
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Chiltern Chase Results

Where to start? Probably with Mark's overall victory (his 2nd win in 3 10k races - not a bad strike rate), but also to Mark C for winning the V60 prize, to Howard for his pb and to Tristan for taking another chunk out of his. Hannah was few seconds away from taking the ladies' prize, while Benedict missed out on the MV40 award by a similarly small margin. Mark B, Benedict and myself took the overall team prize, while Hannah, Carly (in a very impressive ERR debut) and Jacky were 3rd in the same competition. Not sure why there wasn't a separate ladies' team competition, but there you are. Finally, thanks to Al for telling the announcer about our 30th anniversary and then having the 'pleasure' of being interviewed over the PA. He won't be doing that again... If any jokers were played, let me know.
Position Name Time Also CC Pts SL Pts
1 Mark Baker 00:36:47 Winner! 50
7 Benedict Pollard 00:38:28 2nd MV40 50
14 Hannah Hale 00:39:46 2nd SL 50
15 Graham Bridges 00:39:57 2nd MV50 49
23 Ben Breaker 00:42:10 48
36 Tristan Hale 00:43:41 PB 47
39 Carly Pettett 00:43:49 3rd SL
42 Mark Creasey 00:44:20 1st MV60 46
64 Justin Byworth 00:46:49 45
70 Howard Humphris 00:47:19 PB 49
80 Alastair Graham 00:48:13 48
101 Jacky Pinnock 00:49:40 49
110 Tony Whitlock 00:50:28 44
121 Tara Lawfull 00:51:32 50
124 Jane Garton 00:51:41 49
185 Rachel Green 00:55:55
193 Jane Whitlock 00:56:20 48
198 Paul Creasey 00:56:42 43
218 Caroline Ogden 00:59:03 47
45 Antony Green 01:16:17
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Bletchingdon Motavation Results

A fairly modest ERR turnout at Bletchingdon, perhaps everyone was still full of cake and fizz from the night before. Well done to Hannah for leading us home and finishing as 2nd SL. Any jokers, or belated Short League entries, please let me know.
Position Time Surname Forename Also SL Pts
40 25.59 Hale Hannah 2nd SL
64 26.48 Breaker Ben
71 27.24 Schofield Mark 50
84 27.52 McEwan-James Arthur
107 28.5 Hale Tristan
109 28.54 Hardwick Nick 49
114 29.16 Creasey Mark
149 31.17 Whitlock Tony
150 31.22 Marks Jonathan 48
157 31.32 Humphris Howard 47
159 31.38 Graham Alastair 46
161 31.39 Ray Jonathan
170 31.52 Pinnock Jacqueline 2nd LV55
173 32.00 Williamson Kate 1st LV65
202 33.26 Lawfull Tara 50
203 33.32 Evins Rebecca
204 33.34 Johnson Martin 45
250 36.38 Moore Jonathan
256 37.21 Creasey Paul
263 37.42 Coppuck Nicola 49
264 37.45 Maskell Charmian 48
268 38.05 Ogden Caroline 47
275 38.43 Burrough Sallie
288 41.09 Pinnock Adrian
291 41.25 Weller Kiri
293 41.57 Pool Julia
295 41.59 Rose Victoria
296 42.02 Butler Elaine
298 42.39 Morris Gail 46
300 43.11 Harrison Samantha
301 43.20 Hubbert Diane
307 46.22 Muir Esther
315 53.51 Jinks Sandra 45
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Chalgrove 10k Results

Great to see so many ERR folk at this friendly but surprisingly challenging event. Well done to Hannah for emulating Denise's feat the last time we were here by winning the ladies prize, and well done to Kate for her LV55 victory. Kate Welsby was not in club colours (there's a perfectly good explanation), so no points and the jobsworth hat for me. As ever, if there were any other jokers or PBs, please let me know.  
Position Forename Surname Time Also CC Pts SL Pts
6 Mark Baker 00:36:32 50
15 Benedict Pollard 00:37:23 2nd MV40 50
27 Hannah Hale 00:39:08 1st Lady, Joker 2x50
35 Graham Bridges 00:40:16 49
43 Mark Schofield 00:40:54 49
50 Ben Breaker 00:41:26 48
73 Simon Walker 00:43:03 48
74 Ewan MacDonald 00:43:15 47
90 Nick Hardwick 00:44:30 47
103 Tristan Hale 00:45:15 PB 46
134 Mark Creasey 00:46:59 3rd MV60 45
151 Alastair Graham 00:47:21 46
159 Kate Williamson 00:48:00 1st LV55 49
163 Jacky Pinnock 00:48:08 2nd LV55 48
179 Tess Evans 00:48:56 47
180 Howard Humphris 00:48:54 45
194 Tony Whitlock 00:49:38 44
198 Tara Lawfull 00:49:56 50
215 Jane Garton 00:50:49 49
294 Jane Whitlock 00:55:17 48
296 Nicola Coppuck 00:55:20 47
305 Charmian Maskell 00:56:01 46
313 Paul Creasey 00:56:14 43
330 Kate Welsby 00:57:06
350 Louise Keeley 00:58:30 45
361 Marisa Keeley 00:59:30 44
367 Adrian Pinnock 00:59:56
379 Julia Pool 01:00:41
380 Ian Keeley 01:00:42 44
401 Marguerite Darius-Nobes 01:03:46 43
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Charlton Motavation Results

An excellent ERR turnout at what must have been one of the coldest nights for the first Motavation of the 'summer'. The men's and women's results were published separately, hence the strange-looking position numbers. If I've missed any jokers, or put anyone in the wrong league, please let me know.
Position Forename Surname Time Also SL Pts
23 Mark Baker 23.41 50
26 Benedict Pollard 23.54
3 Hannah Hale 24.56 2nd SL
74 Ben Breaker 25.57
76 Arthur McEwan-James 26.09
78 Peter Green 26.15
91 Simon Walker 26.56 49
94 Nick Hardwick 27.04 48
96 David Summers 27.12
123 Mark Creasey 28.21
133 Justin Byworth 28.44
152 Tony Whitlock 30.12
155 Alastair Graham 30.19 47
164 Jonathan Ray 30.57
166 Howard Humphris 31.04 46
171 Antony Green 31.26
50 Jacqueline Pinnock 31.30 2nd LV55
51 Kate Williamson 31.34 1st LV65
57 Jane Garton 32.03 50
59 Rebecca Evins 32.10
178 Ben Jones 32.14 45
65 Tara Lawfull 32.29 49
191 Martin Johnson 33.31 44
195 Steve Butler 34.44
87 Nicola Coppuck 34.51 48
88 Jane Whitlock 34.55 47
199 Jonathan Moore 35.17
97 Rachel Green 35.24
201 David Early 35.29
202 Paul Creasey 35.38
105 Charmian Maskell 35.57 46
113 Alison Berrett 36.45
115 Lisa Tyler 36.53
116 Alison Craggs 36.59 45
208 Ian Keeley 37.04 43
127 Julia Pool 38.18
129 Louise Keeley 38.36 44
130 Marisa Keeley 38.38 43
213 Adrian Pinnock 39.23
134 Marguerite Darius-Nobes 39.49 42
137 Victoria Rose 40.33
138 Kiri Weller 40.44
142 Gail Morris 41.05 41
146 Diane Hubbert 41.42
148 Samantha Harrison 41.58
152 Esther Muir 46.34
218 Roger Gascoigne 47.50 42
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Spring 2016 Marathon Results

This is a sort of 'rolling news' page that shows all the club members' marathon results during spring 2016. If you've run one, and it isn't here, please let me know, as it's only fair that people know about it.   Malta Marathon, February 28 Arthur McEwan-James 3:31:02, Lee Hillsdon 3:39:35 (PB) Paris Marathon, April 3 Anna Mackin 4:05:20 (debut) Eynsham Marathon, April 10 Mark Schofield 3:51:09 (course record) Brighton Marathon, April 17 Tim Cotton 4:18:13 (debut), Jenny Breaker 5:05:27 London Marathon, April 24 1300 Ben Pollard 2:55:24 (PB), 4383 Hannah Hale 3:17:57, 8661 Pete Sonley 3:40:38 (debut), 8939 Lee Hillsdon 3:41:52, 9139 Kate Williamson 3:42:42 (1st LV70, UK LV70 record), 11103 Shayne Humphrey 3:50:06 (debut), Lisa Pearce 4:22:02, 25909 Caroline Ogden 4:45:59 (debut), 34847 Lisa Bryant 5:41:16 (debut) Shakespeare Marathon, April 24 220 Nigel Clark 3:47:00...
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