
Cotswold Classic Results

So many ERR achievements that it's difficult to mention them all, so the individual trophies/PBs are in the table below. In addition, the ERR men (Mark B, Dan, Robert and Ben) won the overall men's team and County Championship competitions, while the ERR ladies (Hannah, Katherine and Kate) were 2nd in the overall team competition but were County Champions. Well done to all our prize winners and PB setters, and a special mention to Robert and Katherine for setting new club age category records for 10 miles.
Position Name Time Also CC Pts
3 Mark BAKER 59:30.1 3rd, 1st SM 50
4 Dan LEWIS 1:00:06.7 3rd MV40 49
5 Robert STOREY 1:00:20.4 1st MV50, Club MV50 Record 48
14 Benedict POLLARD 1:02:26.9 47
21 Dafydd WARBURTON 1:03:02.2 46
41 Graham BRIDGES 1:07:05.0 45
45 Mark SCHOFIELD 1:07:20.6 PB 44
51 Richard HUME 1:08:17.6 Debut 43
54 Hannah HALE 1:08:25.3 3rd SL, 1st CC SL 50
64 Arthur MCEWAN-JAMES 1:09:18.1 PB 42
86 Ant GREEN 1:12:20.5 PB 41
98 Katherine BATES 1:13:45.2 PB, 1st LV55, Club LV55 Record 49
113 Mark CREASEY 1:16:02.3 40
132 Stanley JOHNSTON 1:18:43.2 39
168 Kate WILLIAMSON 1:21:54.9 1st LV65, Joker 2x48
182 Derek BREAKER 1:23:38.0 38
186 Jane GARTON 1:24:05.3 Joker 2x47
202 Colin HANCOX 1:26:11.6 37
219 Basia SCHOFIELD 1:28:21.9 PB
233 Lisa TYLER 1:29:43.7 46
251 Tony WHITLOCK 1:33:01.1 36
278 Paul CREASEY 1:38:22.9 1st CC MV70 35
284 Jane WHITLOCK 1:39:51.2 45
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Oxford Motavation Results

A healthy ERR turnout for the last Motavation of the series. In addition to the category prizes for this race shown in the results below, we had an unprecedented number of category winners for the series as a whole. So, take a bow: Tara Humphris, 1st U19L Mark Baker, 1st Senior Man Katherine Bates, 1st LV55 Kate Williamson, 1st LV65 as well as Carly Pettett, 3rd Senior Lady Kate Allred, 2nd LV45 Jacky Pinnock, 2nd LV55 Robert Storey, 3rd MV50   Race Results:
Position Name  Time Also CC Pts
19 Robert Storey 23:02 2nd MV50 50
27 Dafydd Warburton 23:22 Joker 2x49
39 Benedict Pollard 23:51 48
47 Peter Green 24:14 47
55 Graham Bridges 24:39 46
65 Mark Schofield 25:28 45
70 Tom Baker 25:38 44
74 Richard Hume 25:54 43
77 Simon Walker 25:58 42
78 Arthur McEwan-James 26:00 41
97 Carly Pettett 26:47 3rd SL 50
99 Ben Breaker 26:48 40
104 Katherine Bates 27:02 1st LV55 49
114 Nick Hardwick 27:29 39
124 Owen Hughes 27:49 38
178 Jonathan Marks 29:56 37
193 Kate Williamson 30:34 1st LV65 48
196 Tony Whitlock 30:39 36
207 Howard Humphris 31:11 35
212 Martin Johnson 31:29 34
216 John Bishop 31:53 33
225 Rebecca Evins 32:21 47
228 Hugh Morris 32:44 32
231 Tara Lawfull 32:56 46
233 Alison Craggs 32:54 45
236 Derek Breaker 32:57 31
240 Lisa Tyler 33:09 44
246 Mark Creasey 33:40 30
247 Tara Humphris 33:45 43
249 Marina Barlow 33:54 42
254 David Early 34:11 29
259 Jane Whitlock 34:19 41
275 Charmian Maskell 35:36 40
286 Adrian Pinnock 36:42 28
317 Gail Morris 39:41 39
321 Roger Gascoigne 43:35 27
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Alchester 5K Results

A smallish but high quality field at the first running of this event, so some excellent ERR performances went without prizes. The exception to this was Mark Creasey, who took the MV60 prize. Well done also to Katherine, who set a new club LV55 record (which would also have beaten the LV35 and LV45 records). Any other debuts, PBs or jokers, please let me know.
Position Name Time Also CC Pts
10 Mark Baker 16:47 Joker 2x50
17 Robert Storey 17:25 2nd MV50 49
23 Sean Duvall 17:43 PB 48
37 Christopher Williams 18:33 47
46 Hannah Hale 18:56 3rd SL 50
48 Graham Bridges 18:58 46
57 Richard Hume 19:14 Debut 45
60 Tom Baker 19:25 44
72 Nick Maynard 20:22 Debut 43
78 Katherine Bates 20:39 2nd LV55, PB, Club LV55 Record 49
81 Carly Pettett 20:49 PB 48
85 Owen Hughes 21:01 42
86 Tristan Hale 21:03 41
89 Kate Allred 21:16 2nd LV45 47
91 Mark Creasey 21:25 1st MV60 40
108 Tony Whitlock 22:48 3rd MV60 39
120 John Bishop 23:52 38
125 Tara Lawfull 24:05 46
130 Alison Craggs 24:46 45
142 Jane Whitlock 26:22 44
143 Marina Barlow 26:24 PB 43
156 Ian Keeley 27:39 37
158 Ali Berrett 27:54 42
162 Paul Creasey 28:25 2nd MV70 36
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Hooky 6 Results

Some excellent performances by the ERR folk at Hooky. Well done to Robert and Kate W for finishing 1st in their categories, to everyone else for their category prizes (Dan was actually 3rd MV40, but took the category prize as those ahead of him won overall prizes), and to Dan, Mark B and Robert for winning the men's team prize ahead of some pretty stiff competition. There was a Keeley joker-fest, and Keith wasn't in club colours (or any other recognisable colour, for that matter), so no points and a jobsworth award for me.
Position Time Forename Surname Also CC Pts
5 34:19 Daniel Lewis 1st MV40 50
6 34:21 Mark Baker 49
8 35:10 Robert Storey 1st MV50 48
36 38:17 Christopher Williams 47
42 39:05 Graham Bridges 46
64 41:00 Liz McAllister 2nd LV35 50
94 42:34 Kate Allred 49
95 42:35 Antony Green 45
100 42:51 Katherine Bates 2nd LV55 48
123 44:32 Mark Creasey 44
148 46:39 Kate Williamson 1st LV65 47
151 46:56 Jacky Pinnock 46
185 49:15 Tara Lawfull PB 45
187 49:29 Alison Craggs 44
208 51:35 Colin Hancox 43
229 53:27 Keith Baker
264 56:13 Paul Creasey 42
266 56:25 Ian Keeley Joker 2x41
288 58:49 Marisa Keeley Joker 2x43
297 59:43 Adrian Pinnock 40
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Combe 2 Motavation Results

Some notable performances by a decent ERR turn-out for the 2nd Combe Motavation. Well done in particular to Robert for finishing top of the very competitive MV50 category, to Mark B for such a high finishing position overall, and our men's A team of Mark, Robert, Dafydd, Pete, Benedict and Arthur for finishing as 3rd men's team in what is a high quality competition. Among the ERR ladies, well done to Katherine and Kate W for winning their categories and to Alison for improving her time on this course by over 3 minutes over last year. No jokers that I am aware of, so please let me know if you played yours. Updated 31/7 to include Steve Butler.
Position Name Time Also CC Pts
11 Mark BAKER 23:51 50
13 Robert STOREY 24:04 1st MV50 49
25 Dafydd WARBURTON 25:18 48
37 Peter GREEN 25:58 47
40 Benedict POLLARD 26:09 46
57 Arthur McEWAN-JAMES 27:00 45
59 Graham BRIDGES 27:20 44
64 Richard HUME 27:38 43
86 Simon WALKER 28:43 42
98 Ben BREAKER 29:13 41
115 Katherine BATES 29:46 1st LV55 50
122 Owen Hughes 30:28 40
129 Mark CREASEY 30:49 39
132 Kate ALLRED 30:57 49
158 Howard HUMPHRIS 32:04 38
165 Tony WHITLOCK 32:21 37
173 Jacqueline PINNOCK 32:43 48
175 Kate WILLIAMSON 32:49 1st LV65 47
179 Steve BUTLER 33:27 36
188 Jane GARTON 33:27 46
189 Rebecca EVINS 33:34 45
190 Alison CRAGGS 33:39 44
205 Martin JOHNSON 34:31 35
214 Tara HUMPHRIS 34:52 43
227 Hugh MORRIS 35:58 34
232 Derek BREAKER 36:10 33
244 Lisa TYLER 37:09 42
256 Marina BARLOW 37:42 41
261 Keith BAKER 37:59 32
267 Paul CREASEY 38:41 31
272 Jane WHITLOCK 38:53 40
273 Jonathan MOORE 38:53 30
279 David EARLY 39:08 29
288 Benjamin JONES 39:55 28
292 Ian KEELEY 40:10 27
295 Elaine BUTLER 40:41 39
299 Adrian PINNOCK 41:40 26
300 Diane HUBBERT 41:46 38
307 Gail MORRIS 43:09 37
310 Kiri WELLER 43:33 36
321 Sam HARRISON 47:16 35
324 Marisa KEELEY 49:41 34
325 Louise JONES 49:44 33
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Didcot 5 Results

Some pretty spectacular results on the flat and fast Didcot course. Kate A celebrated becoming a fully fledged ERR runner by finishing 3rd lady overall, winning the LV45 category, setting a new PB, and taking Katherine's club LV45 record in the process. Katherine made up for the disappointment of this by setting a new PB and taking the club LV55 record. Hannah took the overall ladies title (and a very impressive hamper of honey) in a time just 7 seconds outside her own club record, despite a couple of 'unscheduled' stops on the way. Meanwhile Robert won the MV50 category and took Tony's 12 year old club MV50 record in the process. Kerry and Alison both set PBs, and if anyone else did, or played their joker, please let me know. Steven wasn't in club colours, so no points for him and the jobsworth hat for me.  
Position Name Time Also CC Pts
7 Robert Storey 28:34 1st MV50, Club MV50 Record, Joker 2x50
18 Benedict Pollard 29:51 49
25 Graham Bridges 30:51 48
31 Hannah Hale 31:18 1st Lady 50
33 Kerry Papps 31:38 PB 47
47 Ben Breaker 32:50 46
51 Tom Baker 33:21 45
56 Kate Allred 33:42 1st LV45, Club LV45 Record, PB 49
62 Carly Pettett 34:19 48
65 Ant Green 34:29 44
71 Katherine Bates 34:53 1st LV55, Club LV55 Record, PB 47
78 Tristan Hale 35:24 43
80 Mark Creasey 35:32 42
90 Anna Mackin 36:39 46
98 Jacky Pinnock 37:21 45
113 Kate Williamson 38:15 44
115 Colin Hancox 38:22 41
124 Jane Garton 38:46 43
131 Alison Craggs 39:10  PB 42
147 Tara Lawfull 40:28 41
240 Steven McKernan 59:02
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Combe Motavation Results

Another excellent turnout at Combe, with 48 ERR runners (if you include Kate A, who officially transfers tomorrow) out of the 351 overall. Congratulations to Hannah for finishing 1st SL and 2nd lady overall, to Katherine (1st LV55), and Kate (1st LV65). Also, the ERR men were 3rd in the team category (1st 6 finishers count) and the ERR ladies 2nd (first 3 count).  
Position Name Time CC Pts Also
13 Mark BAKER 00:21:59 50
19 Robert STOREY 00:22:15 49 3rd MV50
30 Peter GREEN 00:23:03 48
33 Dafydd WARBURTON 00:23:08 47
46 Benedict POLLARD 00:23:35 46
54 Hannah HALE 00:23:55 50 1st SL
61 Graham BRIDGES 00:24:21 45
67 Arthur McEWAN-JAMES 00:24:29 44
70 Richard HUME 00:24:35 43
71 Ben BREAKER 00:24:37 42
74 Kerry PAPPS 00:24:44 41
88 Mark SCHOFIELD 00:25:15 40
90 Nick HARDWICK 00:25:21 39
94 Tom BAKER 00:25:37 38
114 Carly PETTETT 00:26:18 49
131 Kate ALLRED 00:26:54
142 Mark CREASEY 00:27:13 37
143 Katherine BATES 00:27:15 48 1st LV55
152 Tristan HALE 00:27:29 36
167 Anna MACKIN 00:28:02 47
194 Tony WHITLOCK 00:29:16 35
195 Jacqueline PINNOCK 00:29:18 46 2nd LV55
200 Howard HUMPHRIS 00:29:29 34
202 Jonathan MARKS 00:29:32 33
207 Steve BUTLER 00:29:44 32
218 John BISHOP 00:30:28 31
219 Rebecca EVINS 00:30:29 45
222 Kate WILLIAMSON 00:30:30 44 1st LV65
233 Martin JOHNSON 00:30:59 30
237 Tara LAWFULL 00:31:12 43
243 Alison CRAGGS 00:31:42 42
245 Tara HUMPHRIS 00:31:50 41 3rd U19L
259 Hugh MORRIS 00:32:33 29
272 John WILCOX 00:33:37 28
273 Nicola COPPUCK 00:33:37 40
277 Keith BAKER 00:33:43 27
280 David EARLY 00:33:54 26
288 Lisa TYLER 00:34:13 39
295 Jane WHITLOCK 00:34:42 38
316 Elaine BUTLER 00:36:36 37
319 Marisa KEELEY 00:36:40 36
321 Ian KEELEY 00:36:51 25
322 Adrian PINNOCK 00:37:03 24
325 Paul CREASEY 00:37:14 23
333 Diane HUBBERT 00:38:45 35
335 Gail MORRIS 00:39:12 34
348 Roger GASCOIGNE 00:43:34 22
349 Sam HARRISON 00:43:34 33
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Thame 10k Results

A shame there were no prizes for 2nd place at Thame, as Robert, Mark C and Katherine all did very well to finish 2nd in their categories (incidentally, the winning LV55 lady was faster than the LV35 and LV45 winners). Also, the ERR men were 2nd in the men's team competition, while the ERR ladies were a creditable 3rd. Well done to Richard for an excellent PB, even if he didn't quite manage to dip under the magic 40 minute mark. Still, it's good to have something to aim for. Congratulations also to Marina, who set a PB and finished under 53 minutes for the first time. A further mention for Anna, who finished despite being stung by a bee half-way round, which added about 2 minutes to her time. It was a joker-fest among the ERR ladies, but none that I know of from the men. Let me know if this wasn't the case.
Position  Name  Time Also CC Pts
6 Mark Baker 00:35:34 PB 50
14 Robert Storey 00:36:53 2nd MV50 49
26 Dafydd Warburton 00:38:15 48
34 Benedict Pollard 00:38:39 47
53 Richard Hume 00:40:06 PB 46
55 Kerry Papps 00:40:12 45
58 Graham Bridges 00:40:26 44
83 Nick Hardwick 00:42:28 43
99 Mark Schofield 00:43:10 42
105 Tom Baker 00:43:26 41
120 Katherine Bates 00:43:55 Joker, 2nd LV55 2x50
128 Ant Green 00:44:28 40
150 Mark Creasey 00:45:20 2nd MV60 39
185 Anna Mackin 00:46:56 Joker 2x49
187 Jacqueline Pinnock 00:46:54 Joker 2x48
370 Marina Barlow 00:52:44 Joker, PB 2x47
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Bletchingdon Motavation Results

Excellent to see 47 ERR runners at a hot and sunny Bletchingdon, and well done to all the ERR who either led or finished high up in their categories - it can't be bad to have the winners of the U19 and V65 categories. No jokers that I know of, but please let me know if you played yours.
Position Name Time Also
12 Mark BAKER 00:24:15
26 Robert STOREY 00:25:26
47 Peter GREEN 00:26:35
59 Kerry PAPPS 00:27:11
63 Graham BRIDGES 00:27:23
64 Richard HUME 00:27:27
66 Arthur McEWAN-JAMES 00:27:30
73 Mark SCHOFIELD 00:27:46
83 Ben BREAKER 00:28:22
90 Nick HARDWICK 00:28:43
104 Simon WALKER 00:29:16
116 Tom BAKER 00:29:35
124 Carly PETTETT 00:30:07 3rd SL
131 Hannah HALE 00:30:22
159 Anna MACKIN 00:31:25
160 Tony WHITLOCK 00:31:27
167 Mark CREASEY 00:31:47
171 Katherine BATES 00:31:52 1st LV55
176 Tristan HALE 00:32:05
190 Jonathan MARKS 00:32:34
195 Jacqueline PINNOCK 00:32:44 2nd LV55
197 Steve BUTLER 00:32:50
204 Colin HANCOX 00:33:13
213 Kate WILLIAMSON 00:33:47 1st LV65
215 Rebecca EVINS 00:33:52
221 Martin JOHNSON 00:34:05
231 Howard HUMPHRIS 00:34:46
242 Jane GARTON 00:35:21
249 Alison CRAGGS 00:35:54
250 Derek BREAKER 00:35:56
260 Tara LAWFULL 00:36:22
274 Keith BAKER 00:37:18
276 John BISHOP 00:37:31
278 Tara HUMPHRIS 00:37:37 1st U19L
284 David EARLY 00:38:12
287 Jane WHITLOCK 00:38:18
290 Marina BARLOW 00:38:24
302 Paul CREASEY 00:39:04
305 Jonathan MOORE 00:39:10
314 Lisa TYLER 00:40:01
316 Alison BERRETT 00:40:11
318 Adrian PINNOCK 00:40:20
323 Elaine BUTLER 00:40:51
330 Diane HUBBERT 00:42:16
334 Gail MORRIS 00:42:36
336 Kiri WELLER 00:42:55
357 Roger GASCOIGNE 00:51:00
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2017 Handicap Race Results

Thanks to everyone who braved the pretty miserable weather to take part in or help out with this year's handicap race. Firstly, congratulations to Fraser Muir who repeated his victory from last year in the Junior race, with a time of 9:05. Below are the results of the adults' race in all their detail, so you can see where it was won and lost. The category winners are shown in italics, and congratulations to Antony for his overall victory, which led to him taking home the famous trophy, as well as a voucher for a free sports massage at Summertown Clinic. As usual, there were a few people for whom I didn't have any reference times, so couldn't calculate a handicap. At least you'll have one next year...  
Name Age Group Handicap Time Minus Plus
Mark Baker SM 21:57.0 21:35.0 00:22.0
Graham Bridges MV50 23:21.0 24:22.0 01:01.0
Mark Schofield MV40 24:25.0 24:32.0 00:07.0
Arthur McEwan-James SM 23:59.0 24:37.0 00:38.0
Adam Clilverd SM 25:59.0 25:15.0 00:44.0
Richard Hume MV40 26:06.0 25:17.0 00:49.0
Nick Hardwick MV40 26:30.0 25:21.0 01:09.0
Tom Baker SM 27:21.0 25:46.0 01:35.0
Carly Pettett SL 26:42.0 25:53.0 00:49.0
Antony Green MV40 29:08.0 26:05.0 03:03.0
Mark Creasey MV60 25:56.0 26:55.0 00:59.0
Owen Hughes SM 29:38.0 26:59.0 02:39.0
Kate Allred LV45 27:19.0 27:05.0 00:14.0
Tony Whitlock MV60 28:06.0 27:35.0 00:31.0
Katherine Bates LV55 28:23.0 27:45.0 00:38.0
Steve Butler MV50 27:09.0 28:20.0 01:11.0
Colin Hancox MV50 29:11.0 28:48.0 00:23.0
Tess Evans LV35 29:32.0 28:50.0 00:42.0
Jacky Pinnock LV55 29:09.0 29:10.0 00:01.0
Howard Humphris MV50 31:52.0 29:21.0 02:31.0
Alex Bishop SM 30:22.0 29:43.0 00:39.0
Martin Johnson MV60 30:28.0 30:14.0 00:14.0
Kate Williamson LV65 28:40.0 30:16.0 01:36.0
John Bishop MV40 28:23.0 31:17.0 02:54.0
Derek Breaker MV60 28:38.0 31:59.0 03:21.0
Tara Humphis SL 32:11.0
Keith Baker MV60 32:14.0
Nicola Coppuck LV35 33:00.0 32:25.0 00:35.0
Paul Creasey MV70 32:00.0 32:45.0 00:45.0
David Early MV60 31:59.0 33:37.0 01:38.0
Ali Berrett LV45 32:54.0 34:27.0 01:33.0
Andy Greenwood MV50 34:00.0 34:34.0 00:34.0
Phil Nobes MV40 34:43.0
Adrian Pinnock MV60 31:33.0 35:03.0 03:30.0
Elaine Butler LV45 33:10.0 35:43.0 02:33.0
Gail Morris LV55 35:56.0 36:54.0 00:58.0
Simon Taylor MV60 30:48.0 39:10.0 08:22.0
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