
Several Weeks of Great Running – What’s Next?

Hi folks,   I hope that you are as well as can be – browsing Strava, there’s certainly a lot of running going on out there! Since August, we’ve had several weeks of great running and I hope this update, together with the ongoing motivation and structure from Ian (our Coach) and Graham (Website, stats and super-runner), will serve well in the interim of us getting back together at our target date, during the week of December 7th. ...
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New Runners, Pilates for Runners, Mental Health and More…

Hi Everyone,   I hope that, in the main, things are going well for you. Looking back at June, we have been very busy with high-participation club activities, from photo-competitions to team relays to our 15th Pilates for Runners… and a brilliant Friday night Quiz from Graham and Richard.  Underneath the surface too, we’re busy, with our new ‘You Can Run’ new runner program (starting July 29th – see below for details), web updates, recruitment and mental health championship, all being in very active and enthusiastic planning phases. ...
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