Hooky 6 Results
Well done to Robert for finishing 9th overall, to Kate for winning the Kate Award, and to Dafydd for letting the organisers know that he had taken Jim Hutchins’ number, as otherwise ‘Jim’ would have won the V50 title.
Mark S won the wine and his report follows the results.
Sunday morning was unseasonably sunny as the club headed north for the second time in a week, Denise quipping that we may as well have stayed up after the Chippy Motavation and made a weekend of it. There were certainly some tired legs, not to mention a full complement of the usual runners’ infirmities. Ian’s vocal support kept our spirits up as we tackled a scenic six miles around Hook Norton. The three mile lap, was undulating first time round, yet had become positively hilly by the second. Not that it seemed to bother Robert, who came in 9th overall, nor Kate who collected the V55 prize. Lesley cruised to maximum points in the Long League, and Sheila showed her Short League competitors a clean pair of heels. Jim’s absence due to a prior commitment was exploited by some joker. (He won’t be getting married on a race day again in a hurry). The reward for our efforts? A fetching T-shirt in slimming black, and a goody bag. Just a pity they weren’t giving away the local ale.