Culham Cross Country Results

A smallish turnout at Culham meant that it was something of a joker-fest, which I’m sure wasn’t the idea when this was added to the fixture list. Anyway, the men’s team still had an excellent day, finishing a creditable 6th in Division 1 on the day (and not far behind 5th), to stand 7th overall for the season. The ladies struggled without Hannah, and finished 8th in Division 2 on the day, 6th overall for the season.

Well done to Mark Baker for leading the men home, but the Good Egg of the Day award has to go to Andy Goodwin, who went all the way to Banbury to run, only to find that there wasn’t anyone there (something to do with reading the wrong year’s fixtures). Commitment to the cause, albeit in the wrong direction.

157 finished the women’s race, and 255 finished the men’s.

Here is the Captain’s Log (courtesy of Ben), followed by the results:

It was great to see such a hearty turnout from the ladies, who fielded 10 runners, welcoming Lucy Natarajan for her debut XC, which I gather she did enjoy quite a bit. Team-wise the ladies sorely missed Hannah Hale, unfortunately laid low by a winter bug, and we wish her a speedy recovery and return to the fold soon. And well done too to all the others who seem to always, or nearly always, be there, come rain or shine: Tess Evans, Kate Williamson, Nicola Coppuck, Samantha Harrison, Esther Muir, Lesley Parry-Jones, Elaine Butler, Gemma Ferrier and of course their Skipperess Jacky Pinnock. There was continued excellent commitment from the Men’s A squad, who were almost at full strength, alongside B team ever-present stalwart Simon Walker, and also Steve Butler who continued his 100% competition record this season too. Several VM 50+s ran as well: Mark Creasey, Martin Johnson, Keith Baker and Robert Hale – a good reflection on the club and good for team morale too. The performance of the day, without a doubt, went to Keith’s son Mark Baker who finished a brilliant 28th place (out of 254 finishers), just ahead of our perennial #1 Robert Storey, both of them bearing down steadily on the so-called ‘elite’ runners towards the top of the pack. Special mention should also go to Under 20 runner Matt Ray, who cemented his place in the A team with a gritty run, crossing the line in 90th place, as 6th ERR finisher. Eynsham Men’s team as a unit continue to run with strength, comfortably beating both Cirencester and Woodstock. The overall series positions are tightening up considerably and Eynsham A are facing a real battle now in the last two races to retain their Div. 1 status, so let’s have a good solid month’s training chaps! In honesty, it was disappointing that we had our lowest overall men’s turnout for 2 years (just 14 runners), with one or two entire potential B teams absent, but I am confident we can reverse this blip. I am a firm believer in  building a club/team momentum steadily together, resolving to develop strength in depth, as (in my opinion) one can really derive inspiration (and enjoy the perspiration more) when our efforts include but also expand to something bigger than our own individual goals. I wonder what full-strength Men’s B, C and D teams would be like? Talented, I would say. Remember that we do all share in each other’s successes.



Race Forename Surname Position Time Also CC Pts SL Pts
U11 Boys
Joe Ferrier 26
Alexander   Bishop 28
Gemma Ferrier 49 31.21 50
Jacky Pinnock 67 32.40 49
Tess Evans 82 33.40 48
Kate Williamson 90 34.37 47
Lesley Parry-Jones 94 34.45
Lucy Natarajan 122 38.03 Joker 2×50
Nicola Coppuck 139 40.41 Joker 2×49
Elaine Butler 149 41.38 Joker 2×48
Samantha Harrison 153 45.43 47
Esther Muir 154 45.43 46
Mark Baker 28 33.48
Robert Storey 33 34.29 50
Ben Pollard 51 35.03 Joker 2×50
Matthew Alder 72 36.18 49
Mark Callaghan 81 36.42
Matt Ray 90 37.13 49
Graham Bridges 94 37.16 48
Dave Ferrier 114 38.43 48
Simon Walker 154 40.46 47
Mark Creasey 182 42.43 Joker 2×47
Steve Butler 232 49.40 46
Martin Johnson 233 50.08 Joker 2×46
Keith Baker 234 50.41
Robert Hale 239 52.21

