Combe 2 Mota-vation Report by Tony Whitlock

I’d entered the series as usually these are good events and I thought it could help me regain some fitness!

Was I looking forward to it? What do you think? It was a scorching evening, I was very unfit and I suspected those hills would still be there? I ask you again, was I looking forward to it? Anyway I did do it, the hills were longer and steeper than in previous years and hotter than I can remember for this race.

As always it was a great turnout from ERR with so much pre-race chat. I guess the highlight of the evening was when Jane (who wasn’t running) came up to me on the start line and with a very mischievous smile informed me she was going to the pub with Phil Brown and would give me a wave as I struggled past 

Was I envious of them going to get a cold beer? I’ll let you answer that!

Anyway, to the highlight – THE PUB WAS SHUT- ha ha
