Cornbury Cross Country Report by Steve Garton
As a recently-joined ERR member with very few race entries ever, arriving at Cornbury for the first round of the Oxon Cross-Country League was an overwhelming experience indeed.
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Cotswold Classic Report by Dave Hemprich-Bennett
The Cotswold Classic was a fun one, I’d wondered how hilly a local race would actually be…
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Longworth 10k Report by Jacky Pinnock
Having not done much running over the summer, due to a foot injury, I was a little bit apprehensive about doing this run as it is a mixed terrain course with the potential to set back my recovery.
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Combe 2 Motavation Report by Gail Morris
The Motivation series is a highlight for me each year – a sign that summer is on the way.
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Ridgeway Relay Report by John Rowland
Having heard stories of previous Ridgeway Relays, including reports for near Death Valley temperatures last year, I was slightly apprehensive to be part of this year’s “b” team.
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Otmoor Challenge and Ridgeway Relay Reports by Benedict Pollard
THE OTMOOR CHALLENGE (Saturday June 1 st )
– a training race for THE RIDGEWAY RELAY (Sunday June 23 rd )
Benedict Pollard
Having been a club member since around 2010, I think this might be the first time I’ve won the club wine draw, so that was a nice surprise to be able to stock my cabinet for guests.
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