White Horse Half Marathon Results

Well done to all those who braved the wind and rain in the Vale of the White Horse, either to run or support. By rights it shouldn’t have been a day for PBs, so honourable mentions go to Tristan for beating his by 7 minutes, and to Chris, Lee, Ben and Arthur, whose PB was officially ‘hard-earned’. If anyone else set a PB, please let me know.   Congratulations also to Hannah and Kate for their category prizes, and for ticking the box.    

Position Name Time Also CC Pts
13 Ben Pollard 1:23:07
15 Chris Williams 1:23:31 PB
31 Dafydd Warburton 1:27:03 50
47 Hannah Hale 1:29:10 2nd SL, 1st CC SL 50
58 Graham Bridges 1:30:21 49
60 Arthur McEwan-James 1:30:34 PB 48
80 Lee Hillsdon 1:33:23 PB 47
97 Luke Creasey 1:35:05 46
136 Antonio Reche 1:40:43 45
159 Marie Chuilon 1:42:33
181 Tristan Hale 1:44:39 Big PB
192 Kate Williamson 1:45:46 1st CC LV65, 2nd LV55 49
201 Mark Creasey 1:47:03 44
217 Steve Butler 1:48:41 43
219 Tess Evans 1:49:24 48
252 Sallie Burrough 1:52:26 47
292 Martin Johnson 1:55:03
364 Ben Jones 2:02:31 PB
376 Paul Creasey 2:03:50 42
410 Marisa Keeley 2:12:05
412 Louise Keeley 2:12:19
450 Sam Harrison 2:25:35
460 Esther Muir 2:30:59