Combe 2 Motavation Report by Gail Morris

The Motivation series is a highlight for me each year – a sign that summer is on the way. 

Set in lovely countryside locations on a Thursday evening we usually enjoy the full spectrum of weather conditions across the five races!  What’s not to enjoy? Hills!!  Combe 2 has a rather long hill that seems to go on forever and we get to do it twice.  Yippee!  Luckily it wasn’t too hot this year and Steve and Elaine were waiting at the top to cheer us on.  A great motivation if ever there was one to keep on going.  On the flip side there was of course a lovely downhill section as well where a marshal with his two young children shook bells and blew whistles as we sailed by.  I can’t believe we are approaching the last race of the season so soon.  A big shout out to Mark Hubbert for power walking his way round the course faster than some of the runners.  No mean feat!  If you have never tried Motivation, why not give it a go next year.
